Hoppa yfir valmynd
Athugið að þessi færsla var skrifuð fyrir u.þ.b. 4 ári síðan, og því gæti innihald hennar ekki átt við lengur.

A message to resi­dents

Because of the COVID-19 pand­emic, it is important that the resi­dents of the area take care of each other’s welfare within our comm­unity. On behalf of the organ­izations and NGOs (signed below), we would like to encourage all resi­dents to give some thought to their neig­h­bors and friends within the comm­unity.

Skrifað: 6. apríl 2020


To prevent that somebody that might need assistance does not get help we ask that the public in the area to look to their neighbors, friends, relatives and let us know if there is a suspicion of them needing support and/or help during the duration of this pandemic. This applies to both psychological support and/or help in gathering supplies to those individuals that might be in need.

Civil defense is in our hands https://www.covid.is/english

If you have any questions and requests for assistance please contact 450 2300 or arnheidur@vesturbyggd.is. It is also possible to contact Kristján Arason priest 846 6559

  • Félagsþjónusta í Vestur Barðastrandasýslu – Social service
  • Patreksfjarðarprestakall – Patreksfjörður parish
  • Lögreglan á Vestfjörðum  – The police of the Westfjords
  • Rauði krossinn á sunnanverðum Vestfjörðum – Red Cross in southern Westfjords
  • Heilbrigðisstofnun Vestfjarða – Health clinic of the Westfjords
  • Björgunarsveitirnar – ICE-SAR (Rescue teams)
  • Lions á Patreksfirði

Sviðsstjóri fjölskyldusviðs

Arnheiður Jónsdóttir arnheidur@vesturbyggd.is / 450 2300