Hoppa yfir valmynd
Athugið að þessi færsla var skrifuð fyrir u.þ.b. 1 ári síðan, og því gæti innihald hennar ekki átt við lengur.

Parental allow­ances

Vest­ur­byggð pays so-called parental allow­ances, that depend on the child and parents/guar­dians having legal domicile and resi­dence in Vest­ur­byggð.

Skrifað: 28. ágúst 2023

At the end of maternity/paternity leave, or when the child has reached the age of 12 months for cohabiting parents or 7 1/2 months for a single parent, the right to parental allowances is acquired and an application for preschool attendance is required. When a child enters preschool, these payments cease.

Please note that the allowance must be applied for with a special application form and the payments are paid retroactively.

Application form and rules on parental allowances (in Icelandic)

Sviðsstjóri fjölskyldusviðs

arnheidur@vesturbyggd.is/+354 450 2300